Listen to Bedd Anacreon [Anacreaon's Grave]

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If any of you have the fernhill record with Ridees Pastwn mawr on it then that's the musical pattern and rhythm I'm trying to get here in writing. Also, all the other ways of playing the tune are left out like in the first bar of the "B" part you can obviously go GAB GAB.


the right places. it is flutey.

purpose and typical and makes dancers feel funny in all

would appreciate in the major key. the extra bar is on

aeolian and ionian mode but resolves as the gay bard

It's a Ridee 6. It rambles between the

into these things.

a genuine tune which as it happens is a bludy good Ridee if you are

bit of fun at his - William Peterson - expense but came up with

someone ie Anachreon - a jolly anarchic greek type. Anyway we has a

mistake which implied that RS thomas was sharing a grave with

of RS THomas, and Piotrv Gwliium made some kind of grammatical

idea sort of bore itself of composing a tune in honour of the death

posting by some N american poet type _ Keoth I think - that the

Bedd means "grave" and it was after some

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T:Bedd Anacreon [Anacreaon's Grave]
C:Ceri Rhys Matthews
H:Bedd means "grave" and it was after some
H:posting by some N american poet type _ Keoth I think - that the
H:idea sort of bore itself of composing a tune in honour of the death
H:of RS THomas, and Piotrv Gwliium made some kind of grammatical
H:mistake which implied that RS thomas was sharing a grave with
H:someone ie Anachreon - a jolly anarchic greek type. Anyway we has a
H:bit of fun at his - William Peterson - expense but came up with
H:a genuine tune which as it happens is a bludy good Ridee if you are
H:into these things.
H: It's a Ridee 6. It rambles between the
H:aeolian and ionian mode but resolves as the gay bard
H:would appreciate in the major key. the extra bar is on
H:purpose and typical and makes dancers feel funny in all
H:the right places. it is flutey.
N:If any of you have the fernhill record with Ridees Pastwn mawr on it
N:then that's the musical pattern and rhythm I'm trying to get here in
N:writing. Also, all the other ways of playing the tune are
N:left out like in the first bar of the "B" part you can obviously go
B:Dictionary. Anacreon [&-'na-krE-&n] Greek poet c582-c485 B.C. ;
B:famed for satires and for lyrics celebrating love and wine.
B:Bedd means "grave".
Z:Ceri >Lesl
d5e|d2B ~G3|G2A B2e|d2B ~A3|d5e|d2B A2B|G3 ~G3:|
|:B3 GAB|A2G ~E3|~B3 G2B|A2G ~E3|d5e|d2B A2B|G3 ~G3:|

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