Listen to Bucimis

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One title Only 1 transcription minor major G D 15/8 Has chords explore more...


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X: 46
T: Bucimis
O: Bulgaria
Z: 1997 by John Chambers <>
Z: Adapted for abc2midi by Seymour Shlien
Z: Some modifications of the tune from the middle. 
L: 1/8
M: 15/8
K: ADor
%%MIDI program 23
P: A
%%MIDI drum d2d2d2d2dd2dd2d2 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 110 70 110 70 70 1100 70 90 70
%%MIDI drumon
%%MIDI drumoff
P: B (4x)
%%MIDI drum d2d2d2d2dd2dd2d2 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 60 40 60 40 40 60 40 60 40
%%MIDI drumon
|: "Am"A2 de eA eA   ~e2d dc de | cE BE cE BE   "G"GFG "Am"~A2 AE :|
P: C (4x)
|: "Am"cE BE cE BE   "G"GFG "Am"AB cd | cE BE cE BE   "G"GFG "Am"~A2 !fine!AE :|
P: D
|: "Am"cd dB cA BG   A2B ~c2 cE | cd dB cA BG   ~A2e ~A2 A2 :| 
P: E 
|: "Am"FG AB cE BE   ~A2G ~c2 BA | cE BE cE BE   "G"GAd "Am"~A2 A2 :|
P: F
%modified from here by Seymour Shlien
%%MIDI drumoff
K: Dm
|: "A"gfed ed ^cB2 \
  [cA][dB][ec] [^c2A2] [^cA][BE] \
| [AE][BG] [^cA][dB] [ec][fd] [e2c2] \
  "Gm"[dB][cA][BG] "A" [c2A2] [cA][AE] :|
P: G
|: "A"[^cA][dB] [e2c2] [ec][dB] [e2c2]  \
  "Gm"[dB][^cA][BG] "A" [^c2A2] [^cA][BE] \
| [AE][BG] [^cA][dB] [ec][fd] [e2c2] \
  "Gm"[dB][^cA][BG] "A" [^c2A2] [^cA][AE] :|
P: H
|: "A"deeA deeA "Gm"fed "A" e2 A2 |
   "A"deeA deeA "Gm"fed "A" e4   :|
P: I
K: A
|: "A"dE ~c2 dE ~c2   AGA "E7"Bc de | "A"dE ~c2 dE ~c2   "B7"AcA "E"B2 B
2 :|
%%partsspace 0

This transcription was found: