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  • Morrison's

    Also known as Tom Carmondy's Favorite, Stick Across The Hob, The, Stick Across The Hob, Maurice Carmondy's Favourite, Maurice Carmondy's Favorite, Cry Of The Celtic.

  • Dans ar podo fer

    Also known as Gavotte du Lorzh, Variante RN 1, Montagne A, Ton diwezhan : Scrignac (Yves Menez), Tamm kreiz : Plonevez-ar-faou, Ton kentan : Marcel Mehu (Plsidy), Gavotte : Sib - Mehu, Plounevez, Scrignac.

    Dans ar podo fer
  • Nr 2

    Also known as Nr 1, Andrastmmor (komp), Nr 2 \, Nr 1 \, Tv slngpolskor efter John-Erik Mattson, Rtan.

    Nr 2
  • Nr 2

    Also known as Nr 1, Andrastmmor (komp), Nr 2 \, Nr 1 \, Tv slngpolskor efter John-Erik Mattson, Rtan.

    Nr 2
  • Nr 2

    Also known as Nr 1, Andrastmmor (komp), Nr 2 \, Nr 1 \, Tv slngpolskor efter John-Erik Mattson, Rtan.

    Nr 2
  • Ensemble - All

    Also known as Fiddler - Barbara, Bassist - Robert, Pianist - Terry, Drummer - Howard, Piper - Matt.

    Ensemble - All