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Time signature

Has accompaniment chords

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  • multi rests and measure repeat

    Also known as Key signature change.

    multi rests and measure repeat
  • Also known as Herv Irvoas TS4, Ar re yaouank, Duro - Le Lay (S:Stage Festival fisel aot 98)(Dcembre 98), L'ne Martin, Guillerm Thomas, Herv Irvoas TS3, Herv Irvoas TS2 (Kerleon), Hymne national du Plin, Kerleon, Ne chomeg war bale, Herv Irvoas TS1, Jean Og, Plomeur B (S:Gildas Moal et Ren Chaplain)(Mars 99), Plin, tons simples, Plomeur A (S:Gildas Moal et Ren Chaplain)(Mars 99).