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  • G : 6

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Has accompaniment chords

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  • the Trip to the Highlands

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, the Barracks, the Dusty windowsill, Mulvihills, Austin Barratts.

    the Trip to the Highlands
  • Trip to the Highlands, The

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, Barracks, The, Dusty windowsill, The, Mulvihills, Austin Barratts.

    Trip to the Highlands, The
  • Trip to the Highlands, The

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, Barracks, The, Dusty windowsill, The, Mulvihills.

    Trip to the Highlands, The
  • the Trip to the Highlands

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, the Barracks, the Dusty windowsill, Mulvihills, Austin Barratts.

    the Trip to the Highlands
  • Trip to the Highlands, The

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, Barracks, The, Dusty windowsill, The, Mulvihills, Austin Barratts.

    Trip to the Highlands, The
  • Trip to the Highlands, The

    Also known as Dusty Windowsills, Dusting the Windows, Barracks, The, Dusty windowsill, The, Mulvihills, Austin Barratts.

    Trip to the Highlands, The