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  • G : 7

Time signature

Has accompaniment chords

Show only top 15 features

  • Geary's Hornpipe

    Also known as Taylor's Hornpipe, The Butchers of Bristol, Bealltaine, The Mullingar Races, The Rover Through The Bog, The Raven Through The Bog.

    Geary's Hornpipe
  • Peter Kennedy's Fancy

    Also known as Jim Seery's, Crusheen, The, Shearing the Sheep, Red Haired Lass, The, Red-Haired Lass, The.

    Peter Kennedy's Fancy
  • Peter Kennedy's Fancy

    Also known as Jim Seery's, Crusheen, The, Shearing the Sheep, Red Haired Lass, The, Red-Haired Lass, The.

    Peter Kennedy's Fancy
  • Peter Kennedy's Fancy

    Also known as Jim Seery's, Crusheen, The, Shearing the Sheep, Red Haired Lass, The, Red-Haired Lass, The.

    Peter Kennedy's Fancy
  • Peter Kennedy's Fancy

    Also known as Jim Seery's, Crusheen, The, Shearing the Sheep, Red Haired Lass, The, Red-Haired Lass, The.

    Peter Kennedy's Fancy
  • Peter Kennedy's Fancy

    Also known as Jim Seery's, Crusheen, The, Shearing the Sheep, Red Haired Lass, The, Red-Haired Lass, The.

    Peter Kennedy's Fancy
  • Peter Kennedy's Fancy

    Also known as Jim Seery's, Crusheen, The, Shearing the Sheep, Red Haired Lass, The, Red-Haired Lass, The.

    Peter Kennedy's Fancy