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Time signature

Has accompaniment chords

Show only top 15 features

  • C Aeolian/C Phrygian/C Locrian

    Also known as C Dorian/C Minor/Cm, C Lydian/C Ionian/C Mixolydian, C maj/ C major/C Major, C/CMAJOR/Cmajor, Keys and modes.

    C Aeolian/C Phrygian/C Locrian
  • Waterdog's Hole, The

    Also known as Poll An Mhadra Uisce, Poll An Madra Uisce, Pol An Madra Uisce, Otter's Nest, The, Otter's Lair, The, Otter's Holt, The.

    Waterdog's Hole, The
  • Patrick Lefvre C (S:Patrick Lefvre)

    Also known as Patrick Lefvre B (S:Patrick Lefvre), Patrick Lefvre A (S:Patrick Lefvre), Le Lay, Sunfolk1 (S:Erwan), Christian Duro, Gavotte, tons kentan.

    Patrick Lefvre C (S:Patrick Lefvre)