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  • B : 9

Time signature


Has accompaniment chords

Show only top 15 features

  • the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]

    Also known as Gloomy Winter [Robert Tannahill], Lord Balgonie's Favorite [Niel and Nathaniel Gow], the Revd. Patrick Macdonald of Kilmore [Alexander Campbell], Mr Nairne's Strathspey [Daniel MacLaren], the Cordwainer's March..

    the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]
  • the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]

    Also known as Gloomy Winter [Robert Tannahill], Lord Balgonie's Favorite [Niel and Nathaniel Gow], the Revd. Patrick Macdonald of Kilmore [Alexander Campbell], Mr Nairne's Strathspey [Daniel MacLaren], the Cordwainer's March..

    the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]
  • the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]

    Also known as Gloomy Winter [Robert Tannahill], Lord Balgonie's Favorite [Niel and Nathaniel Gow], the Revd. Patrick Macdonald of Kilmore [Alexander Campbell], Mr Nairne's Strathspey [Daniel MacLaren], the Cordwainer's March..

    the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]
  • Walsh's Polka

    Also known as Lacha Cross, Din Tarrant's #1, Bill the Weaver's #2, Bill the Weaver's, Lackagh Cross.

    Walsh's Polka
  • Walsh's Polka

    Also known as Lacha Cross, Din Tarrant's #1, Bill the Weaver's #2, Bill the Weaver's, Lackagh Cross.

    Walsh's Polka
  • Walsh's Polka

    Also known as Lacha Cross, Din Tarrant's #1, Bill the Weaver's #2, Bill the Weaver's, Lackagh Cross.

    Walsh's Polka
  • the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]

    Also known as Gloomy Winter [Robert Tannahill], Lord Balgonie's Favorite [Niel and Nathaniel Gow], The Revd. Patrick Macdonald of Kilmore [Alexander Campbell], Mr Nairne's Strathspey [Daniel MacLaren], The Cordwainer's March..

    the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]
  • the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]

    Also known as Gloomy Winter [Robert Tannahill], Lord Balgonie's Favorite [Niel and Nathaniel Gow], The Revd. Patrick Macdonald of Kilmore [Alexander Campbell], Mr Nairne's Strathspey [Daniel MacLaren], The Cordwainer's March..

    the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]
  • Walsh's Polka

    Also known as Lacha Cross, Din Tarrant's #1, Bill the Weaver's #2, Bill the Weaver's, Lackagh Cross.

    Walsh's Polka