Some information is extracted from the tune, some is provided by transcribers. Becuase of this, not every tune has Rhythm information. Here are all the possible values found in all tunes. back to all features.
Known for 122025 tunes
Reel | 35797 tunes or 18 % | browse all tunes |
Jig | 23319 tunes or 12 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe | 8297 tunes or 4 % | browse all tunes |
Polka | 4773 tunes or 2 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz | 4535 tunes or 2 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey | 3114 tunes or 1 % | browse all tunes |
Double jig | 2708 tunes or 1 % | browse all tunes |
March | 2599 tunes or 1 % | browse all tunes |
Air | 1907 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip jig | 1853 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska | 1462 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slide | 1331 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mazurka | 730 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottische | 605 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slipjig | 589 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiraldilla | 469 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barndance | 437 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Song air | 425 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied | 420 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Other | 412 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow air | 410 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zwiefacher | 398 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Quadrille | 392 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Misc. | 366 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Single jig | 363 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, lied | 320 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Chanson | 316 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vals | 293 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish | 267 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Minuet | 260 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourree | 243 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Song | 239 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle | 235 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Valse | 229 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pipe march | 206 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hop, slip jig | 201 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Set dance | 199 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Steirer | 199 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Highland | 197 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, lied, religioeses lied | 190 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao] | 189 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Triple hornpipe | 179 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslieder] | 173 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Danza | 171 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre 3 temps | 171 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottis | 168 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambo | 162 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cotillion | 151 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Square | 148 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre?e | 146 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Breakdown | 140 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gnglt | 139 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambo-polska | 133 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre | 127 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rant | 125 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre 2 temps | 125 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fling | 121 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sl-polska | 120 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, adelige als dienstmagd, tod; kinder - spiel, tanz | 114 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Country dance | 113 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marsch | 112 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe, reel | 111 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Clog | 109 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slngpolska | 104 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid, klage | 103 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
--- | 102 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gavotte | 101 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bulgar | 99 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Long dance, set dance | 98 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scottish | 98 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strat:hspey | 98 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tonada | 95 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ronda | 91 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, vergebliche werbung, liebe, klage | 89 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polkett | 87 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mueira | 87 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Walzer | 85 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pols | 85 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xota | 83 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Engelska | 83 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marcha | 82 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sonderhø{}ning | 81 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ronde | 78 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rondeau | 78 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, habgier, mord, reue, selbstmord | 78 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange] | 77 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Totakt-pols | 76 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marche | 76 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Halling | 73 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten -, kriegs - lied | 73 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
??? | 73 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scots measure | 72 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rørospols | 71 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Anglais | 68 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lesnoto | 68 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fandangu | 67 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, verlassen des elternhauses | 67 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
An dro | 66 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tango | 66 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gånglåt | 64 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Farandole | 64 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, verlorene ehre | 64 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bransle | 63 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kadrilj | 63 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Three-two | 63 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, romanze | 63 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches, religises lied] | 61 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Freylach | 61 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bulgar, freylach | 60 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pipe reel | 60 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska j | 60 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanter dro | 59 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barn dance | 59 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow strathspey | 59 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade | 57 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hopsa | 57 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wedding march | 56 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Andro | 56 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Morris | 54 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich | 54 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Planxty | 54 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rag | 53 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, schwangerschaft | 53 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, liebe, leid, tod | 53 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebes - lust | 52 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schleuniger | 52 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig, march | 52 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle double | 52 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sønderhoning | 51 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaqueirada | 51 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scottiche | 51 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Quickstep | 50 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tune | 50 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pavane | 50 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottisch | 49 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sla?ngpolska | 49 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, mord, mordversuch bzw. rache | 49 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, lustige romanze | 49 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Basse dance | 47 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, menschenhandel, rettung, hinrichtung | 47 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze | 47 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow reel | 46 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gaillarde | 46 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, mord; reigen - tanz, antiphonal | 46 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reigen, tanz - spiel | 46 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied | 45 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, wiegen - lied | 44 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, tod | 44 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Panderu | 44 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinla?nder | 44 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Aada | 43 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Highland fling | 43 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tarantella | 42 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip jig, hop | 42 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jodler | 42 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits -, ehestands - lied | 41 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verbotene liebe, flucht | 41 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of d) | 40 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Volkstanz | 40 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Galliard | 40 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Boda-polska | 40 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gubbstt | 40 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Allemande | 39 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Longdans | 39 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Avant deux | 39 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied, liebe | 39 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bingsjo?-polska | 39 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, betrug, schwangerschaft, tod, selbstmord, herr und magd | 38 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, vergebliche werbung, liebe, klage, tod | 38 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romance | 38 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Das plin | 38 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zweifacher | 38 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sage, maerchen -, zauber - lied | 37 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, march | 37 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, mord | 37 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska k1 | 37 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink - lied | 36 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, entfuehrung, adelige als dienstmagd, rueckkehr | 36 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Berufslied] | 36 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zech -, schalks - lied | 36 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied | 36 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle simple | 36 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze | 35 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied | 35 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliche, religise lieder] | 35 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nursery song | 34 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Divers | 34 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hymn | 34 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied | 34 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, indiskretion, verweigerter beischlaf | 34 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, versagen, spott | 33 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Snoa, gånglåt | 33 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lied | 33 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, lied, kriegslied | 32 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig/song air | 32 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Alborada | 32 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Horo | 32 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied | 32 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Country-dance | 31 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, hochzeit, mord / unfall, tod | 30 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pasucis | 29 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, abgewiesener freier, abschied | 29 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Snderhoning | 29 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz, jig | 29 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, braut - werbung, hochzeit, minderjaehrige, tod | 29 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, werbung, liebe, glueck | 28 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rigadoon | 28 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska o | 28 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, trink - lied | 27 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Politisch, national, vaterlands - lied | 27 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, familien - geschichte | 27 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig-time march | 27 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Freilach | 27 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Snoa | 27 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lndler | 27 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, verlorene ehre; kinder - spiel, tanz | 27 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Danse trad. | 27 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, liebe | 26 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zwiefach | 26 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, weglaufen, schwangerschaft, rueckkehr | 26 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Country dance. | 26 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey, shottish | 26 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, verlorene ehre; kinder - spiel | 26 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bingsjo?polska, 16th-note polska | 26 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jaeger - lied | 26 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourree a trois temps | 26 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sextur | 25 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinlender | 25 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rondo | 25 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bond-polska | 25 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Csa?rda?s | 25 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegs -, sieges -, soldaten - lied | 25 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Saltn | 24 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, beischlaf, leiden | 24 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, zech - lied | 24 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
A?lvdalspolska | 24 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits-, ehestandslied] | 24 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, strathspey | 24 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Orsa-polska | 24 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Danse de caractre | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lttyp | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hora | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, magie, verwuenschung | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, entfuehrung, adelige als dienstmagd, wiederfinden | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, lied, personenlied | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz, air | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kilt - lied | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Horra | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, lied, trinklied | 23 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, todesahnung, tod, selbstmord | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Plinn | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Two-step | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pipe jig | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Floru | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wander - lied | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, indiskretion, verweigerter beischlaf; studenten - lied | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid, klage, tod | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (key of d) | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, beischlaf, schwangerschaft, moral | 22 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, hochzeit, tod | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historische, kriegs- und soldatenlieder] | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fyrtur | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow march | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Helden -, ehren -, gedaechtnis -, kriegs - lied | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, braut - werbung, todesahnung, tod | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Yyy] | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
16th-note polska | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Passe pieds | 21 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Masurka | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pasudoble | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bulgar, frailach | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gallop | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, braut - werbung, minderjaehrige, tod | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. nann qing] | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reigen, tanz - spiel, brautwerbung | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Maraichine | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kalamatianos | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, braut - werbung, betrug; tragisch | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Key of d | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, indiskretion, verweigerter beischlaf; spinnstuben - lied (?) | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, jagd, flucht, vergewaltigung, tod | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish, hornpipe | 20 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gavotte des montagnes | 19 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trabayu | 19 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, hornpipe | 19 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
2nd change | 19 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Senpolska | 19 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gigue | 19 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanter-dro | 19 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, werbung, liebe | 19 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, schalk -, schelmen - lied, liebe | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lngdans | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Danza prima | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, vergebliche werbung, liebes - lied | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Misc | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jigg | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jota | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Careu | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kolo | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebes - klage | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, air | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
"erzhlende lieder"] | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
???, lyrik | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker -, bauern - lied | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zwiefache | 18 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vals, waltz | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wals | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish, strathspey | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hasapikos | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Single reel | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Double hornpipe | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied] | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied] | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, heiligen - lied, legende | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rrospols | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jahreszeiten - lied, fruehling | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, wallfahrts - lied | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, versagen, spott; trink - lied ? | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cercle | 17 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, trennung, tod | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, allegorie; lyrisch (?) | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, hochzeit, unfall, tod | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of edor) | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spottlied] | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, braut - werbung | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of g) | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle coup | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vallåt | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, abschied, enttaeuschung, tod, selbstmord | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
2-step | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ritter - sage | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, schwangerschaft, mord | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rondanse | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ehestands - lied | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, liebe, leid | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Psalm | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kopanica | 16 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinlænder | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanz -, lauf - spiel | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rigodon | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Navid | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Song air/jig | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe, shottish | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lullaby | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Springdans | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterland und wehr | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Round | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, trink - lied | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tageszeiten - lied, abend | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, verlassene liebe | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cercle circassien | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornipe | 15 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ritter -, raeuber - sage | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, waltz | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle morgu | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ridee | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. xin minge] | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rigaudon | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits - lied | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
N/a | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marching air | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Menuet | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shanty | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied, scherz | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi] | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, polka | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verlorene unschuld, moral | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wander -, heimat - lied | 14 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied, liebe | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Swing | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Masurkka | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker -, gesellen - lied, wanderschaft | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, schwangerschaft, moral, mord | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe, march | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterlands -, heimat - lied, nationalistisch | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Melodie | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pajdushko | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig, bulgar | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur und welt | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, braut - werbung, betrug | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, todes - ahnung; betrogene liebe | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barndance / schottische | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Volksweise | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottishe | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ra?ttvikspolska | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanter dro "clam" | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, spiel-, spottlied] | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reigen, tanz, nachahmungs - spiel | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Galop | 13 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historische, kriegs- und soldatenlieder, liebeslied] | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, abschied | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Muieira | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten - lied | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, werbung, betrug | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March/reel | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle, bransle | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rumba | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mixed | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig-time pipe march | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barbara] | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, tier - maerchen | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arrieros | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, allegorie; lyrisch () | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich ? | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dbl jig | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourree (3 time) | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Habanera | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lament | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Double hp | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Contredanse | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gånglåt, snoa | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey or reel | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Country dances | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, gefangenschaft, hinrichtung, tod, vergeltung | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinlnder | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, lied, jaegerlied | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, marien - lied, legende | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebes - handel | 12 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (originally strathspey) | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air/waltz | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterlands -, heimat - lied, nationalistisch, krieg | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Visa | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, sommer - tags - lied | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Avantdeux | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Syrtos | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka pique | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. biaoda aiqing] | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nol | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, abschieds - lied | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pravo | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hamburska | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow waltz | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska l1 | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dreher | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rond | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jgerlied] | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Setdance | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Avant-deux | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre trois temps | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polonaise | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, fest - lied, weihnachten | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig p.72 | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bergmanns - lied | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
1st change | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka, shottish | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, religioes | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanter-zas | 11 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, braut - werbung, betrug; schwank, burlesk | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, verwechslung | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brauchtums - lied, religioes | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre deux temps | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, tier - lied | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
En dro | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cotillon | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska, hambo | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cocek | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish, reel | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz(5-time) | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig/set dance | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, vergebliche werbung, liebe | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, schalk -, schelmen - lied, betrogene liebe | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Khosidl | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pipe strathspey | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldatenlied] | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, ansinge - lied, bettel - reim | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow jig | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebes - klage; geistlich | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Galopp | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied] | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erge] | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, vergaenglichkeit | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe or reel | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanterdro | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Single jig/song air | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of ador) | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, strathspey | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, jagd, flucht, verfuehrung | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker -, gesellen - lied; abschied, wanderschaft | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourree 3 temps | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, scherz, schwank | 10 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Legenden - lied | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebeslied] | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Snoa, svav | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - werbung | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, (aeae tuning) | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, hirten -, schaefer - lied | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gammalpolska fr fo?llinge | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, pastorelle, entfuehrung, tod | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, ruf | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig/march | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska, masurka | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre?e 2 temps | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. xin minge] | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pariser polka | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, abschieds - lied | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Drmesh | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trot | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kas a-barh | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig, waltz | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, wiegen -, schlaf - lied | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Children's song | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stomp | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ska?nklåt | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, liebe | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Drinking song | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trinklied] | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bauern - lied, flachsbrechen, bei der arbeit | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Welsh hornpipe | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pajdus?ko | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, jaeger - lied | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish (reinlendar) | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, lied, kinderlied | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
48-bar jig | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Roros-pols | 9 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. geming lishi minge] | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Broadside ballad | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, tod, toten - sage, grabesstimme | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Andro, an dro | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, freude | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, moral - lied | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Åtabaks-polska | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brnnvinspolska, engelska | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
3/2 hornpipe | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka, busserull | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Drmes? | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pastourelle | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeits-, berufslied] | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish, jenkka | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Old time | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, moral - lied, tod | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, mord, vergeltung, heirat | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Varsovienne | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brautwerbung] | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambo, mazurka | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gaanglaat | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, fest - lied, biblischer stoff, passion | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, scherz, schwank, betrogener ehemann | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Legenden- , marien - lied, geistlich | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Retreat march | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chuanjiang chuanfu haozi] | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds- und wanderlieder, heimatlieder, liebeslied] | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sacred | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig, air | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka (% or march or hornpipe) | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, treue | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, tod, unfall, herr und knecht | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scots reel | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Heimat - lied | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Folia | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Matelote | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
32-bar single jig | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bulgar, freilach | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Laride | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gallegada | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, schwank ?? | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterlands -, heimat - lied | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of dmix) | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, klage | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, entfuehrung, mord, vergeltung | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, frauenraub | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Boda | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
English reel | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
A?lvdals-polska | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, geistlich | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air/strathspey | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, jahreszeiten, fruehling | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink-, zechlied] | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rattviks-polska | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
S.measure | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Double step | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, verlassene liebe | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, geburt, tod, moral | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiao diao] | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Promenade | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, marien - lied | 8 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka, reel | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bouree | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, reel | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Negro spiritual | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Religioes | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebesklage] | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, triller | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tage-. wchter-, fenstergang-, stndchenlieder, liebeslied] | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, versagen, spott; trink - lied | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, krieg, gefangenschaft, ehe, heimkehr | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Snoa, polkett, polka | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sarabande | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, reiter | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pollacca | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, standesunterschied | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ecossaise | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambo, masurka | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballad | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey, air | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe (%fling) | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bluesy pipe march | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanzweise] | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Miniwet | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reila?nder | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe %fling | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schwank - lied | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel () | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
"erzhlendes lied"] | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Untreue] | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Larid | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, standesunterschied, strafe, gnade | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brauchtums - lied | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey (originally reel) | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Malungs-polska | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebe] | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dan?s fisel | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Funeral march | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Welsh reel | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, jahreszeiten, fruehling | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kringpolska | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, polka | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barbara | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schiffer -, handwerker - lied | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ride | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, heilige drei koenige | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. biaoda aiqing] | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpiope | 7 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid, klage, trennung | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, weihnachts - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanzlied] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, shottish | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tour (en dro) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
3/2 hp | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Legenden - lied, geistlich | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dance | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Singlejig | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, jig, reel | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trauer -, bregraebnis -, trost - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (key of em) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xintianyou. geming lishi minge] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanz, ringelreihen | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, hirten -, alpen - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinlænder, schottis | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiringosa | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
^vciftetelli | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rachenica | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Misc.triple | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
40-bar waltz | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe (key of d) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marin congo | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, hirten -, alpen - lied, kuhreihen | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig, pipe march | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slang-polska | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel:polka | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, familien - geschichte, mord | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourree 2 temps | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Odd | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
32-bar reel | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska-mazurka | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, trennung | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottische / barndance | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Titos | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
German waltz | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stathspey | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dreikoenigs - lied, brauchtum | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, silvester, namenstag | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tier - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wandervogel - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel/rant | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied, gemuetlichkeit | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg gegen napoleon (1815) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. siji huahui] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
40 bar waltz | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cacak | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, braut - werbung, erpressung | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tage-, wchter-, fenstergang-, stndchenlieder, liebeslied] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottiche | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, mai - tanz | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of ddor) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tage - lied, kilt - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
German | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jagdlied] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Measure | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Røorospols | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
32-bar jig | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jog | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied, freude | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe %"highland" | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Irish xmas carol | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gavote | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, tod] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fannikedans | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Walkaround | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschiedslied] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
3/4 | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hop/slip jig | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tvåtaktspolska (polska in 2/4-time) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, studenten - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, burschenschafts - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, sehnsucht | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, mahn -, moral - lied, strafe | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Relixosu | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nimes | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballet | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, pflanzen - maerchen, moral - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, schwangerschaft; bei der arbeit | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Religioeses lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (key of ador) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Key of g | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, kose -, scherz - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. suku] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, kriegs - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, kinds - mord | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, seemanns - lied | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe %barndance | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Snoa or danish reinlender polka | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Luegen - lied, maerchen | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (barn dance) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (slide) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeitslied] | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (key of g) | 6 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker - lied, schneider | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, nachtwaechter | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sydjmtsk slngpolska | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey, (aeae tuning) | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg, soldaten (1813 und 1870) | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Estampie | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, schalk -, schelmen - lied, liebe; handwerk | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, gesellschafts - spiel | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiao diao | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Song/set dance | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shanqu] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Montagnard | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle des chevaux | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied, wilderer | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bulgar, sher | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied, wander - lied, liebe | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottische | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. nann qing] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wunsch - lied, luegen - maerchen | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, pflanzen - maerchen | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marien - lied, geistlich | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanter dro/an dro | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow waltz / air | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied, curiosum | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Grundton liegt in der zweigestrichenen oktave; verzierung | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bauern - lied | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, trink - lied, freude | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottiche/valse | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka, polkett | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Inherradspols | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tune (hornpipe) | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tango habanera | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, qingge] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scotch measure | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Andante | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. nann liqing] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambopolska | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Drmes | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Canon | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
4 part reel | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow pravo | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, hofe -, ritter - lied, liebe | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, wald | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kost'er hoed | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, jaeger - lied | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeitslied] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel quebecois | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Oberek | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tageszeiten - lied, nacht | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nursery rhyme | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
S. measure | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka %(or march or hornpipe) | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe (swing) | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Luegen - maerchen | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air / country dance | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Colonial jig | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Danse xiiie | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Humppa | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fynbo | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bairisch polka | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, gebet, jesus - lied | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Morris jig | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska, mazurka | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches, religiîses lied] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wander -, moral - lied, vergaenglichkeit | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bodapolska | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur -, jahreszeiten - lied, fruehling | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Aeroplane | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, fuhrmann | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bånsull (baansull), lullaby | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brautlied] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambo-masurka | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Carol | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, geistlich | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. suku] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. fun ku] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Q'step | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scottiche/marche/valse | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yge] | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tsamikos | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, natur | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Song air/single jig | 5 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bond-polska, masurka | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, spiel, reigen | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (originally 4/4) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cercle ou chapelloise | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, deserteur | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March (originally strathspey) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marachienne | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds- und wanderlieder, heimatlieder] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of bm) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, ballade | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish, hornpipe or reel | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Northern polka | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brudmarsch | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dan?s leon | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanzlied, xiaodiao] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, spiel - lied, zaehl - geschichte | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ganglat | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, mahn -, moral - lied, strafe; untreue | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz-, spiellied] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe,plain | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Plin | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fox-trott | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, religioes | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathsey | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten - lied, geselligkeit | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Volkslied | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, liebe, abschied | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, religioes | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, huadeng diao] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ringlender | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wugeng diao] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Courante | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ganglat, snoa | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Java | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hop jig | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Introduction | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Folkevise | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka pique valse | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yanxiqu] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Danse royale | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jigue | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, lianhualao] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rhenlndare | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka () | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Entroito | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Choro | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe (set dance) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Singing square | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lesnoto, cocek | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bagpipe | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, pilger - reise, gefangenschaft, befreiung, ehe, liebe; | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, siebensprung | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tuzuling] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tamed cenol | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange. nongtian laodong chang] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (key of a) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Laride? | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fast hasapikos, hora | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebeslust | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Set tune | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka pique?e | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre 2 temps | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sqq.sqq.qqsqq | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig, tarantella | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sonderhoning | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska (boda, bond, hambo) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, wallfahrt, religioes | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Åtabakspolska | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottise | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ae?roplane d'erquy (scottish ) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Larid six temps | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tourdion | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rheinlaender | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. shenghuo xiaochang] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kopanica, gankino | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (key of bm) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nusery song | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka / 2/4 reel | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow reel (mm=122) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambo-polska fr fo?llinge | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gavot | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Freilach, bulgar | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xintianyou] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, dank -, lob - lied, choral | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, tier - maerchen, scherz | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, aria, arie | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kostarchoat | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, napoleons russischer feldzug (1812) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Springlek | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker -, gesellen - lied | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Heimatlied] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Chigre | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, soldaten - lied | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourree a deux temps | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, ehebruch, mord, moral | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip jig (key of d) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz, minuet | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (key of edor) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, schaukel -, reiter - lied | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trimazo | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
6/8 | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Intro | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka (key of g) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kost er hoet | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Courente | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rond saint-vincent | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, spiel | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig, slide | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
4/4 | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Valse, waltz | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rorospols | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
3/8 bourree | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, such - spiel | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Menuett | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scottisch | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bingsj\:o-polska | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, entfuehrung, mord, vergeltung; geistlich | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. chang huahui] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Irish polka | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cajun one-step | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jahreszeiten - lied, herbst | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bunte taenze | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bossa nova | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Orsapolska | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker -, gesellen - lied; wanderschaft | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ehestands - lied, nonnen - klage | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka (key of d) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow air or waltz | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pravo, jig | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sen-polska | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle coupe | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid, klage, abschied | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lament and march | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Catch | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bolero | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, fest - lied, ostern | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marsch/gnglt | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral -, lob - lied auf den tabak | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erbauungs - lied, religioes | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Aguilandu | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jahreszeiten - lied, winter | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, adelige als dienstmagd, boese schwiegermutter | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dh % double hornpipe | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, maybe polka | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka or 2/4 reel | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Loudeac | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of a) | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Freylach, bulgur | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, krieg, abschied | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied; liebe | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, magie | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, trink - lied, rundgesang | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Caribbean | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits -, ehestands - lied, scherz - lied, bettelhochzeit | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherzlied] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Karfreitags - lied, geistlich | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, pflanzen | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Klagelied] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, standesunterschied] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip-jig | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, burschenschafts - lied, national | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, mahn -, moral - lied, strafe; geiz | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Long dance, set dance, slip jig | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge] | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, spiel - lied | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka schnell | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, scherz | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, gesellschafts - spiel | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, verbotene liebe, ausrede; schwank | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, ehe, heimkehr | 4 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, jahreszeiten - lied, winter | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, ??? | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rttvik | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, klage | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, wujuzi] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska, folia | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, gefangenschaft, ehe, befreiung | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Minuet, menuett | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanz | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strahspey | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, tod, unfall | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Horn | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, diaosheng] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Negro spiritual, swing | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Eheverdru] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
So?nderhoning | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, tageszeiten - lied, abend | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Passions - lied, geistlich | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jaeger - lied, liebes - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, zaehl - geschichte | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied, liebe, tod | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe, i presume | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange. nongtian laodong shi chang] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, studenten - lied, trink - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, verlassen | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jenkka | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wett - lied, streit zwischen sommer und winter | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, natur, wander - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, jahreszeiten - lied, fruehling | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, schaukel -, knierreiter -, spiel - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, seemanns - lied, tod | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
As played by martin hayes | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre?e a? 3 temps | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verfhrung, beischlaf] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, schwank | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Undotted hornpipe | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. qiongfu duibi] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich; reigen - tanz | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, religioes | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, fuhrmanns - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeitslied, religiîses ehestandslied] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Frailach, bulgar | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spiel, hinrichtung, opfer, rettung | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slangpolska | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Quadrlle | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathsphey | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Turner - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge, jinzhong yangge] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, heiligen - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gnglt/marsch | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. jiaomai] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
7/4 march | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, jodler | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, mahn -, moral - lied, strafe; rabenmutter | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kost ar c'hoad | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verfhrung] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe! | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mazurka, nåsfo?ra-polska | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid, klage, sehnsucht | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Klage - lied ??? | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. fun shenghuo] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, soldaten - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Joak | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verlorene liebe] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vallt | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ree; | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschiedslied, liebe] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, spiel - lied, pfaenderspiel, vexierspiel | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, vergebliche werbung, liebe; | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Qingge] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Masurka, polska | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinlender, nursery song | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, kejia shange. geming lishi minge] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz(8-time) | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fanfare | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kringpolska i haverstil | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Salea | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rond de saint-vincent | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, seemannslied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Chapeloise | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, tod, religioes | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Old time breakdown | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre du morvan | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verlorene unschuld, moral; geistlich | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, spott | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, spottlied] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, spott - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Double h/pipe | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, natur -, regen - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Orielton house | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, religioes | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ehestands - lied, betrogener ehemann | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka / schottische | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, erzhlendes lied] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliche, religise lieder, tod] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barndance / schottische / polka | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, geselligkeit, scherz, kanon | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, trennung, tod; geistlich | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tune 4 | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, braut - werbung, entfuehrung | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, prinz eugen (1717) | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yangge diao] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, liebe | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sydjmtsk polska | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiuhebao diao] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dans en dro | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verbotene liebe, schwangerschaft, ehe | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, berg | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz, jig, ballad | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, werbung | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, trink - lied, rundgesang | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, untreue | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, invaliden | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebes - lust, treue | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre carre | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, eifersucht, tod; geistlich | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Originally a strathspey | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, natur | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tune 1 | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, betrug, ehe, tod | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, spiel - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, regen - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Drinking song, reinlender | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rondeau en chaîne | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
National - hymne | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, tod | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verbotene liebe, tod] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Springleik | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches, soldatenlied] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tageszeiten - lied, morgen | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jger- und handwerkerlieder | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, treue] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, weihnachten | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, bundes - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka, march | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanter dro, en dro | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mazurka (or waltz) | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polca | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, moral | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre?e d'auvergne | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, werbung; scherz -, vexier - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Derobee | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Irish reel,cape breton setting | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brauchtum, beschwoerung (nebel) | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
The tatler | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Retreat | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sknklt | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Snoa, polkett | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ree | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rtsel-, wunsch-, wettlied] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, werbung, standesunterschied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
.reel | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trennung, abschied] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, mord, rache | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourree-waltz | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rundsang, round, canon | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, tod, ehe, moral | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, cheshui haozi] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bothy ballad | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Standesunterschied, beischlaf] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
((ht70b25m15d0u0)) | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Raetsel -, brauchtums - lied, reigen - tanz | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - ballade | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds -, wander - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanz, reigen | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jodel - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Boure | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
32-bar waltz | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Single hornpipe | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
An-dro | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre 3 | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sonnwend - lied, brauchtum | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, spottlied ber die liebe] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Laride? 6 temps | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, abschied] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, lianhualao] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz, allemande | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kringpolska i haverstil (kringpolska) | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, national | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, walzer] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Blues | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Csardas | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, chage] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska i haverstil (kringpolska) | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, kirmes | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten - lied, abschied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Paso doble | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambopolska frn ppelbo | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lob - lied, religioes | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, verlassenheit | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, wander - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Noel | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Raetsel - lied | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, schalk -, schelmen - lied, vergewaltigung | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Prob. scottish | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Røspols | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, pfaender - spiel | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, nursery song | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schlaflied] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ragtime | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, ?? | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow hornpipe | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, biblischer stoff | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig march | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Khodisl | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - klage | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, tod koenigin louise (1810) | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, ehebruch, zweikampf, tod | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fenstergang] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, yge] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, noetigung, flucht | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, kejia shange] | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slide (set dance) | 3 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
32-bar jig triple-minor longways | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tovercirkel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz/aire | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel bluegrass | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yueyawugeng diao. geming lishi minge] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, liebe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe,reel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sånglek | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tier; moral | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (set dance) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, zauber | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gnglt, slunga | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
(slip) jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pavan | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sher | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, pingban diao, caicha diao] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur und welt, liebe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, treue, abschied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (key of dm) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, festung lille (1708) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tordion | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Passacaille | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, abschieds - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, march | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ehestands - lied, klage | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (monferrina) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Promene de noce | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka (or march) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebes - lust, erotik | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March/quickstep | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, taimu haozi. tongyi bufa, tiaojie jingli] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pastoral | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle d'ecosse | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bauern - lied, tanz | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, siebenjaehriger krieg (1757) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Highland fling / strathspey | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pibroch | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, scherz - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, moral - lied, vergaenglichkeit | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Maerchen -, zauber - lied, tannhaeuser - sage | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bakmes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Almain, allemande | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska, pols | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, jahreszeiten, herbst | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, gregorianisches antiphon | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rigadown | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Triple h'pipe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, standesunterschied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, kampf | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. nann siqing] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig %set dance | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, neujahr, silvester | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, maria, geistlich | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zonaradikos | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Highland schottische/fling | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourree a 2 temps | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
A.(a2b2)4.a | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaudeville | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Freiheits - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, mord, verfuehrung | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinl=e4nder | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey, shottish, hornpipe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gavotte ton double | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, trink -, moral - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, liebe, klage | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Untreue, beischlaf] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied, abzhllied, kinderliedterno] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, sterne | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe / clog | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow air:reel:polka:hornpipe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Drinking song, vals | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldatenlied, abschied, liebe] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fenstergangslied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nursery song, march | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel and air | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, anti - ehe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treue] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Troika | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Matelotte, maclote | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, lustige romanze, spott - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Weihnachts - lied, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, tod kaiser joseph ii (1790) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Religioeses lied, weihnachts - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, sankt nikolaus | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Danslek | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, spott - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott - lied auf wallfahrt | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reigen, tanz - spiel, ballade | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey, march | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig/song | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pipe reel or strathspey | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Oldtimey reel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cakewalk | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, gefangenschaft, hinrichtung | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, freude, jugend | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, betrug, entfuehrung, tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, wasser | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, ganglat | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
16-delspolska | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bauern - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, schmerz, schaefer - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Relixosa | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gefangenen - lied, klage | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reigenlied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tier | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe %with considerable strathspey feeling | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, mord, hinrichtung | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, checaoge] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten - lied, national | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wuge, huagu diao] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air/ballad | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pravo (fast) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ringlender, reinledner | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, matrosen - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dreikoenigs - lied, geistlich, brauchtum | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe/highland | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tage - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagudeng] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, lob des tabaks | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe %barn dance | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Birthday song | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg, invalieden; tod friedrich ii (1786) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bingsjo?polska | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge, guzi yangge. minjian gushi] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Chanson, drinking song | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Irish reel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Freely | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, sage | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Religioeses lied, maria | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Heimat -, wander - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Helden - sage, erzaehlendes volks - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, abschieds - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, brautwerbung] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebes - lust, anmache | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Christams hymn | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of amix) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre (3 temps) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink - lied, zech - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker -, gesellen - lied; trink - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, cakewalk | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treble jig (key of a) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huadeng] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scottish country dance | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vals, nursery song | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gavotte, musette | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, barndance | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, religioes, gebet | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shanqu. biaoda aiqing] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, kinder, spiel, kniereiter - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, eifersucht, mord; parodistisch | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (originally hornpipe) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Invirtita | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanz, spiel, brautwerbung | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, hochzeits - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wett - lied, streit zwischen wasser und wein | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, trost | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, werbung, liebe; geistlich | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg gegen die franzosen (1813 und 1871) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip jig (key of f#m) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Work song | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xintianyou. biaoda aiqing] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, weihnachts - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, einsamkeit | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tage -, kilt - lied, waechter - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sj % slip jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (!) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March / quickstep | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, lob - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cariu | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Berufslied, brautwerbung] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Morris dance, ballad | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge, jinzhong yangge. xin minge] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Irish air | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lament, pipe tune | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengge] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vossarull | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fenstergangslied, liebe] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, geistlich; abend | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Werbung, beischlaf] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska boda | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
7/8 tune | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. changgong shenghuo] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bulgur, freylach | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, weglaufen, schwangerschaft, rueckkehr; geistlich | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rant or march | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska (hambo) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, kilt - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, walzer | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hategana | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott - lied auf betruegerische schneider | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, romanze | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Daggy barndancey type thing that morris bands would totally dig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle de poitou et branle gay | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, vergebliche werbung, liebe, klage; | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, mengjiangn diao. nann qing] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shibeijiu] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
The coco-nut dance | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagu] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historische, kriegs- und soldatenlieder, abschiedslied, trauer] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, ballade | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg gegen die tuerken (1789) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Enfants | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jenka | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, spiel - lied, reimspiel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Corrido, gesungene zeitung | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur und welt, brauchtums - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, historisch (1435) , standesunterschied, liebe, mord | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Baile chano | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of bdor) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Minuet:waltz | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Starthspey | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, spott | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, anzhao] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Luegen - lied, schlaraffenland | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Also waltz | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trennung] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ritter -, raeuber - sage, kinder - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pravo, sevdalinka | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, geissler - lied, brauchtum | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, molihua diao] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
English country dance | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, kaihua diao. biaoda aiqing] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka 32 | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trinklied, liebeslied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldatenlied, tod] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Passe-pied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. bainian] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, tageszeiten, abend, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
From speelmansbock van tongeren | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dieduanqiao] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chuangong haozi] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, bettler - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip jig (key of g) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, strathspey | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig,march | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Allemande, almain | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cantiga | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Basse-dance | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, postillon | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost -, tageszeiten - lied, abend, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tageszeiten - lied, abend, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied/schlaflied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, moral, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, tod, klage, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. changgong suku] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bingsj"o-polska | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, hochzeit; schwank | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Swung reel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
One-step | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jagen] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ehestands - klage ??? | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied, tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gaucho march | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
J % mark following tunes with a j (jig) for the index | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Freiheits - lied, politisch | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dengdiao] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Almain | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Triple hp | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vergebliche werbung] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, spiel - lied, musikantenspiel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, verlassene liebe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeskummer] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow strathspey / air | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, liebe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, lebenslauf, klage | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, gånglåt | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Heirat, mitgift] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March:gånglåt | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, johannis - tag | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegslied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Danse | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Berufslied, liebeslied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (originally march) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott - lied, satire | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, burschenschafts - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tamm-kreiz | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, koehler | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reigen - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mulineira / jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschied, tod] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, enttaeuschung, schein - tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, eifersucht, ehe, hinrichtung, tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Legenden - lied, weihnachten | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, ?? | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip jig/double jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Long dance, set dance, jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Buffens | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
.hornpipe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xintianyou. fun ku] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Matrosen - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, mord aus eifersucht | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, moral, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegslied, historisches lied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Engelska / gigue | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jahreszeiten - lied, fruehling, natur | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiubaxian diao] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz / air | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, trink - lied, trinkspruch | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe (key of g) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle be?arnais | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Toy, jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka (key of am) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bettler - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiu hebao. geming lishi minge] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid, klage; gesang mit pantomime | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, wander - spiel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, tageszeiten, morgen | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bauern - lied, spott | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow/sad | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, zech - lied; studenten - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Alvdals-polska | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
One step | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied, freude, freundschaft | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten - lied, liebe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, gefangenschaft, hinrichtung, tod, vergeltung; geistlich | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ductia | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, krieg, national | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey, hornpipe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, ballade, tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterlands -, heimat - lied, nationalistisch, trink - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Irish jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherzlied, liebe] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sea shanty, drinking song, hornpipe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, hinrichtung, tod, vergeltung; geistlich | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg (1809) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Temprance hymn, drinking song | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Charleston | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brautsuche] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Volte | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nanny! | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten -, kriegs - lied, landsknechts - marsch | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Twostep | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, vertroestung | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nine-four | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slide (key of d) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, jahreszeiten, winter | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches, kriegs-, soldatenlied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka:reel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, freude, freundschaft, freimaurer - gesang | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, sankt martin | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, fengsuge, banjia ge] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Aire | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Politisch, national, vaterlands - lied, studenten - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Coral | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ride?e | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied, auswanderung | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, magisch, mythisch | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, gutianshange] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiraldilla/tonada | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, seemanns - lied, fischer | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, treue | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, tageszeiten, morgen, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wander - lied, handwerksburschen - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Heimat - lied, heimweh | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. changgong ku] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz (8-time) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, geburt, tod, moral, entfuehrung | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel [french-canadian] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Old-time | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brautwerbung, standesunterschied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre?e 3t | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sangleg | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Set piece / single jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, trink - lied, rund - gesang | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, baimao shange] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air/jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Prelude | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Single jig / slide | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, abend | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanter dro klamm | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tier - maerchen | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lob -, dank - lied, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Saraband | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vals, waltz, nursery song | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Piobaireachd | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, sehnsucht, heimat, heimweh | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, wander - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Volks - hymne, national, politisch, vaterlands - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, trinklied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branles, waltz | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, guckkasten - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten -, kriegs - lied, reservisten | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - spiel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, jahreszeiten - lied, sommer | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, fangmu shange] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
24-bar set dance for 4 to 8 couples | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz / mazurka | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gavotte ton simple | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
La?ndler | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, falsche liebe, tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe / schottische | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (key of dmix) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow reel, hornpipe, strathspey | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, lustige romanze, unsinns - verse | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied, liebe, soldaten - lied | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Children's song, lullaby | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, standesunterschied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (slow) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shlip jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Galop nantais | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, fenstergang] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka (key of ador) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air / march | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip jig (key of em) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, slow march | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verleumdung, moral, mord | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verfhrung, standesunterschied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Halbdreher | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, kinder, spiel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod, blaubart - sage | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (key of em) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cape breton reel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, sehnsucht, jugend | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, erzaehlend; tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Song & air | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, baduan jin] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, verlassene liebe, tod | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tabaks-polska | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Da capo al fine fine | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ola nilsson | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Clog waltz | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, deutsch - franzoesischer krieg (1870) | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinlander | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, macheng diao] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, trost, religioes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Varsoviana | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sautiere | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, ballade | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig,see notes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches, religises lied, ehestandslied] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, biaoda aiqing] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, freude, zufriedenheit | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slide or jig | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, trost | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huadeng diao] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz bakmes | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, standesunterschied, strafe, gnade | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey and reel | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherzlied, verfhrung] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. chunyou] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, liebe | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker - lied, handwerks - burschen | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bauern - klage | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, lutherische vesper | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verbotene liebe] | 2 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wiegenlied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Standesunterschied, scherzlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied; rund - tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey (6 turns) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Quadrille (poule) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, scherz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, verlassene liebe; tanz - lied, schnadahuepfel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, verzeihung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wuge, errentai. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bånsull, lullaby | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bootslied (laut titel); haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zech -, schalks - lied; wunsch -, kilt - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegs -, helden - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied, curiosum, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Can (song) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge, zimeige, pipa yun. hunjia yishi shang chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, liebe, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dengge. xiaobainian] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Klagelied ber die liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, lumpenmann | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, fruehling | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, zaehl - geschichte | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, liebes - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huadeng. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, natur | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, kuilei qiang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, keguazi diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz -, spiel - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, datongfu. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, haocaoge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, religioes, tageszeiten, abend | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherenschleifer -, handwerker - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. qizi quanfu ai laodong] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, lianhuashanling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, hochzeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, sage (getreuer eckart) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, romanze, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treuversprechen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, zank | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, verehrung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, auszaehl - reim | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey or slow air | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ode | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bauern - lied, klage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze; staende - lied, fuhrmann | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, deserteur | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Heimatlied (eines spanischen auswanderers)] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao, gaoqiao, xiuhebao diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe %% = barn-dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, sijimang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, lob , dank, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, mengjiangn diao, tianyang haozi, lushi haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, erge, fangya haozi, laodong zhong chang. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spa-, spottlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bal dan?s kef | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Aria | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. douqu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, bawangbian] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, sa tangzi lao zai wai, | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verlorene ehre, schwangerschaft] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ehestands - lied, spott | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, ehestamd, spott] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegs-, soldaten-, abschiedslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jmn polska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bauern - lied; jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebe, geselligkeit, tanz] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig - slowly | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle populaire | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, vaterlands - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge, hanchuan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, zhenjing hong, guoshanqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, zhangshi shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeitslied, brautwerbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, studenten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Daggy schottischey thingy with some scotch snaps | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits -, ehestands - lied, verlobung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. fengturenqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, zech - lied, kirmes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, jiandianhua diao, wuge, dengge, | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits -, ehestands - lied, ansinge - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied, marien - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Driving ethnic | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, tiaobin diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, dawo haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied (1813 - 1815) , landsturm | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Chapelloise | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Highland scottische | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Contre-danse de l'arguenon | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Beischlaf, standesunterschied, list - mann in frauenkleidern] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, taten und verbrechen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, jiandianhua diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pe?rigourdine | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shieryue huaming diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shi diao, mengjiangn diao. mengjiangn de chuanshuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, san san er ling. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. fuqi cailian] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, da ningxia diao. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, maurer - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Calypso feel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, dreher | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod, sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, seemanns - lied, schiffbruch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied; tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Beischlaf, tuschung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, fangniu shange, zhange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brautwerbung, standesunterschied, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, trink - lied, neujahr | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, manjianghong] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, baolengdiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Novelty reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
"songs of the harpers", erzhlendes lied, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, frust | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, tanz - reim | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, trink - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengge, bubeida diao. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, klage, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, trink - lied, historisch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottische / strathspey | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey / highland fling | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, verfhrung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Untreue, mord, standesunterschied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge, shehuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, sanlaqiang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, mahn -, moral - lied, strafe, faust - sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slid into a slide | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, chundiao, mengjiangn diao. ji wangfu, biao aisi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, frankfurter sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, scherz -, neck - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, banjiage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Catch, vals (waltz) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerksburschen -, wander - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, ballade] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeskummer, suizid] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, bergmann | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Loblied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, zech - lied, scherz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterland und wehr, soldaten -, kriegs - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Christma song | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, weihnachts - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. yule] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, lorelei | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dui hua. xin minge. xushu laodong shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, vergebliche werbung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre 3 temps % title | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, taipingqiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erge, shishierge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterlands -, heimat - lied, kaiser - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scots waltz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, longchuan haozi, fengsuge. duanwujie hualongchuan chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzhlendes lied ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, bayrische erbfolgekriege | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, scherz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, maerchen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
6/4 | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, lahua, molihua diao, | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, bawangbian] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz, song air | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wanglang diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schlaflied, kinderlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, chujiamen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebe, fenstergang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, sizhou diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, yinniusi diao. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade; scherz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied, er ge; imitation des ochsenfroschs] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pajdusko | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott - lied auf die leineweber | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trennungsschmerz, treueschwur] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gesellschafts - lied, freude | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeits., berufslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, liebe, brautwerbung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebe, abschied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig, slow march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dengdiao, gusao caicha diao, madeng] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldatenlied, spiel- und trinklied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shima shange. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, patriotisch, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe; geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huadeng, yunnan huadeng, mengjiangn diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker -, bauern - lied, brauchtums - lied, bei der arbeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kehrreim] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, kinder -, reiter - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, jahreslauf | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, seemanns - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reigen, tanz, nachahmungs - spiel, pantomime | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge, cailiange. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod, historisch dreissigjaehriger krieg) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, geistlich] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zech -, spott - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe mit gluecklichem ausgang | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. nann siqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, hoffnung auf eine braut] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanter-andro | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, baduanjin diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sehnsucht, trennung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, lehre, strafe, zucht - reim | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, shuichuan qu. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey/reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao. changgong ku] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chuangong haozi. pingshui xingchuan shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verbotene liebe, gang ins kloster] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, schaefer - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marien - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Canary (!) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, dank, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, dreissigjaehriger krieg | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, fest - lied, weihnachten, advent | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen; besenbinder - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspay | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. nannuqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Neujahrslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, ganjuzi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, muge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge yangge shieryuehuadiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied, reigenlied, tanzlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schuld, reue, geistliches, religises lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, tier | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kost ar c'hoat | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Alm - lied, jodel - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, pflanzen; tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, kinder -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, sankt martin | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottische (barndance) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Freimaurer - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambl-polska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiuhebao diao. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, tod; 265 nach gehîr gendert. | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, trauer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebes - lust, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, pilger - reise, gefangenschaft, befreiung, ehe, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, trauer, klage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, gebet, wallfahrts - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, plumpsack - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, spott, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, entfuehrung, adelige als dienstmagd, rueckkehr, geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow walts/air | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagu, fengyang huagu, shuangtiao gu. jishang maixie, hunjia zizhu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, unfall, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, jahreszeiten - lied, herbst | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterlands -, heimat - lied, nationalistisch, rundgesang | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, kinderlied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, mengjiangn diao. lichou] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, sehnsucht, treue | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shieryue diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Somewhat doubtful time signature | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, beischlaf, selbstmord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagu, hunan huagu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, diqiang. changgong suku] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegslied, soldatenlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reigen, tanz - spiel, sage, ballade | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, wander -, liebes - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Yu ge, fischerlied; kinderlied zum fischen. dui chang frage-antwort lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeitslied, haozi.da mai ge. arbeit bei weizenmaehe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nationalsozialistisches lied, soldaten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, zhuangyie haozi. matou zhangxie shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, seemannslied, shanty | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brauchtums - lied, dreikoenigs - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, huanghe wohao. tongyi dongzuo, tiaojie jingli. | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xiang shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, chunge shanggong diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, trinken, arbeit] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, turner - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, trauer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Musette | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied; studenten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Beischlaf, verlorene ehre] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Eheversprechen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao, laba diao. fun shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Children's song, springdans hambo | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao, huatiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, hua deng diao; gan ma diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg gegen franzosen (1792) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied, freundschaft, abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
English | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg gegen frankreich (1813 und 1871) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, tiange, cheshuiluogu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trinklied, verlobung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre?e a? trois temps | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, taidong diao. nongmin shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tod, trauer] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, moral, hoffnung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, tageszeiten - lied, morgen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegslied, gefangenschaft, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sage, maerchen -, zauber - lied, ruebezahl; gebirgs - hirten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange. nongtian laodong shi chang. huangshan fengguang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tangdao jikou shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, caicha, chunjing tian] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Yangtiange (reiskeim-beetlied); arbeit] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erbauungs - lied, religioes, choral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow aire | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, kejia shange. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jgerlied, berufslied, liebeslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiuhuadeng diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Double jig [irregular] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yaoqu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
310romanze, ballade, lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
48-bar polka | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jagd] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, gunjian haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, kulingding] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, jahreszeiten, sommer, herbst | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, klage, abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, jaeger - lied, romanze | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, freibitte fuer den geliebten | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xingguo shange. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, fenstergang, verfhrung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, strathspey, reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Klage - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish/polka | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiaoyangge diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod, geistlich, sage (hl. lazarus) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. caihua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel / hornpipe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid, klage, kerker - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, qilinchang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge, jiuqu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, hochzeit; tanz - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. xu zainian] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, tanz -, soldaten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied; jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, scherz, schwank, spott auf den klerus | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebesklage, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits - lied, brauchtum | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, fenstergang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, kaiser - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. yumin de tianqi yange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka / reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, lianbaju. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scottish measure | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yangge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jämn polska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xintianyou. suku] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange; qingge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, chelideng] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shuangwugeng diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, trost -, lob - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, haiyuan haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chuangong haozi. jishui xingchuan shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourree a 3 temps | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig/2 step | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, mord, vergeltung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fling or whatever | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao. fun ku] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagu, fangyang diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg, franzoesisches soldaten - lied (1855) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, liebe; schiffer - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, gesellschafts - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zech -, schalks - lied, brauchtums - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebeslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wiegen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shangzishan diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shanqu. muyang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wiegen - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, tod, arbeit] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, abzhllied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, spiel - lied, plumpsack | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hop jig / slip jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, vergaenglichkeit, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, tiange, hayangchaoge, tiandong diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi zum wasserschîpfen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, krieg | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, untreue, beischlaf] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. youchun yule] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn, song hanyi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, canglanglangling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, toten - tanz, geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, panwugeng diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, todes - ahnung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, jiandianhua diao, chang huahui, siji, lishi deng] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abcb | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bauern - lied, winzerin | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Valse lente | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches volks - lied, religioes, gebet | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shizidiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, gefangenschaft, tod; ballade | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur -, tageszeiten - lied, abend | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiaokanxi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xintianyou. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Country dance / reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg, schlacht bei leipzig (1813) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, cheshui haozi. nongtian cheshui shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied, freundschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, tageslauf, tier | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, moral, lebenslauf | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur und welt, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, familie, wiederfinden von familienangehoerigen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Minuett | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge, banjiage. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brautlied, uneheliches kind] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Volks - schauspiel - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, lahao, pindiao, guopinxiang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, anti - kriegs - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, brautwerbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tarentelle | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow swing | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yge, ladaditu diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fisel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, ehebruch, mord, moral; geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, lob - lied auf den tabak | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied, tod, totentanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, ganzi shushang dabaihua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied; tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Chanson (ronde) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. huangmeixi xuanduan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, bundes -, trink - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xinquan shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, huipuojia] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten, kriegs - lied, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shike caihua diao. chang siji huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, studenten - lied, trink -, tafel - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mazurka-valse | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dayingtao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, dahang haozi. zhudi zaofang shi chang. tongyi dong zuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nonnenklage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansingelied fr volks- und festtage, kinderlied, kinderliedterno] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge, baihua changtan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, jiandianhua diao, matou diao, manjianghong diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, krankheit, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, staende -, jaeger - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Swung polka | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trad irish jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle gay | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scottische | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerks - burschen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, spiel, pantomime | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, dawo haozi. zhudi, zaofang shi chang. tongyi dongzuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao, yifan diao. nann qing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. fun shi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jgerei, wilderei] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches, kriegs- und soldatenlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebessoregn] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spinnstuben - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Set dance/polka | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Daichovo | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, mengjiangn diao. nann liqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliche, religise lieder, klage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, krieg; studenten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, treue, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, landleben | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rustic dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dieduanqiao diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Berufslied, abschiedslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao. muqin hong haizi shueijiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, strassen - raeuber | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, maria, tod, geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, studenten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xieshizi diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, yingxiong diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, luoer diao | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. nann liqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, liebe taktwechsel nachtraeglich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Renaissance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verfhrung, standesunterschied, beischlaf, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shuffle | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shibazhou] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, song | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, cheshuige] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, chaozhou xiaodiao, jianjianhua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Klage (hase)] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebe, hausarrest] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, lob - lied, religioes, tageszeiten, abend | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, dank -, lob - lied; abend - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ermahnendes lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hop jig (played as slip polka) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, melusina - sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg (1799) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sli | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
~menuett | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jaeger - lied, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erge, gezai xi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Untreue, nachsicht] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, maria | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sehnsucht, kummer] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur -, tageszeiten - lied, morgen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, sage (vom kaiser friedrich) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wunsch - lied, trink - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, daohua shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, dashange diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
National, patriotisch; liebes - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Valse 5 temps | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, chage, wuge, caicha. chanong shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huadeng, kunming huadeng. chang huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, gefangenschaft, ehe, befreiung; geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Baenkel -, scherz - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barndance / reel / polka | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gånglåt, brudmarsch, bridal march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, enttaeuschung, schein - tod; geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, habgier, mord, reue, selbstmord; geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, kejia shange, songkou ahange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shuahaier] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, langkuaihuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verfhrung, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits-, ehestandslied, religiîses lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Springar | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. fun qing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow air - not a waltz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, wiegen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Frau in mnnerkleidung, soldat] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vergewaltigung, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spiel -, scherz - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, brunhilde - sage, dornroeschen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, odinwald - sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Untreue, liebe zu jemand anderem] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schorsteinfeger -, handwerker - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shanqu. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig/joak | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig or march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, freude, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. laodong yu aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, bundes - lied, freundschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, abschied, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, weihnachts - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, naowugeng, erge. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, zhadaoling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, soldaten-, kriegslied, religiîs] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, jiandianhua diao, matou diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Canon trois voix | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, molihua diao. guniang chujia] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xiayang shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. fun xiuhua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, dank - lied, choral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Werbung, abschied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, weihnachten | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tune 3 | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wuge, chunniu wu. chang chungeng] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink - lied, liebe, spott | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zech -, schalks - lied; ehestands - lied, bettel - hochzeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka-ish | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, guanggun kuqi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gesang, gebet, krti | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao, liangshanbo yu zhuyingtai de gushi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, cheshui haozi, wujuban] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rag, reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzhlendes, nostalgisches lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied (echo) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanzlied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, huadeng xiaodiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. chang siji huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ehestands - lied, klage 262: laenge angepasst. | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Walt5 | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, klage, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, leizhouge, wenda duichang. cai shuiguoming] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Double jig, march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Carolan | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, hualihu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wehmut, untreue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Uneven polska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tipa shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge, wadige] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao, huaguzi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. jiaofu xinglu chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xianshuige] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherzlied, ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Country dance / march / highland schottische / highland fling / single reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, jahreszeiten, sommer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jiggity jig jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ehe, treue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dank - lied, patriotisch, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagu. mo doufu qingjinq] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, mayengling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg gegen franzosen (1799) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, mo | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, liebe, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shaozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jaeger - lied, wilderer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, diaosheng. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, jintian shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. caihuami] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Standesunterschied, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Quadrille (ete) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, mahn -, moral - lied, strafe, rabenmutter | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied, wander - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebesschmerz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chuangong haozi, guo qian diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erge. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hirten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Listening piece | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, yge, lilimei diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, schnadahuepfel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. chanong shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Quadrille (final) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, brautwerbung, soldatenlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, rate - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, religioes, neujahr | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge, shijiemeige. songjia] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, paimen diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trauer, abschied, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, trauer, toten - klage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Andro hanterdro | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, trost -, lob - lied, choral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Eheverdru, tod der frau, freude] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huadeng, dengdiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, chuiginshan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi zum tragen: wechselgesang!] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cakewalk or march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, hirlanda - sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, xiao jiulianhuan. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tour | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, pibroch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied; handwerksburschen -, abschieds -, wander - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fenstergang, vergebliche werbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, religioes, pilger | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tageszeiten - lied, nacht, schlaf; liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ehestandslied, religiîs] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao, hanlongchuan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten - lied, trink - spruch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, schleswig holsteinscher krieg (1849) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi zum tragen von leimern] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, spiel - lied, pfaenderspiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air and jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, jindianhualing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, pfingsten | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treue, trennung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slip/hop jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, maria, geistlich, geissler - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, kejia shange, dashan ge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Walz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, gnade] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao;chundiao; mengjiangn] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, ershisizhi hua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Christmas | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bossa | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, trennung / abschied, krieg, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tageszeiten - lied, abend; trauer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, betrug, hinrichtung, tod, vergeltung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanz, bruecken - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Set piece | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade; tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, trennung, heimweh | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, garjieling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, dawo haozi. | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, enttuschung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao. nann qing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballroom polka-y marchy schottischey thing | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Israeli | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. siji jingse] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, gaoqiao diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mutter - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mixed branle | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, helden - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, zongmi haozi. yietiao dongzuo, tiaojie jingli] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. jianu suku] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, tafel - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka ~ 7-step | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits - lied, tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fenstergang, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschied, trauer, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cherz-, spottlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschied, bitte um treue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yangyanmai] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, schalk -, schelmen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, kinder -, kniereiter - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, jianmianhua diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker -, gesellen - lied, trink - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fling... as in, pigtown *fling* | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, staende - lied, musiker - zunft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldatenlied, abschied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeit; haozi. weizen dreschen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Coranto, courante | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erbauungs - lied, religioes, lob | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, bu wan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, treue-untreue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, tiange, wujuzi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
32-bar tune used for a serbian circle dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sngerlied, ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Eifersucht] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yueou] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Piece | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, mengjiangn diao. chang huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. yumin shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schlaf-, wiegenlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiu hebao diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, deng xiaodiao. teepfluecken] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, scherz -, trink - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, helangge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mazury, mazurka | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, nanxiangling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dangu qupai, dao chashan diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, yumin haozi. xunzhao yuqun shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, beischlaf] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, huangmeixi xuanduan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shangezai] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reigen, tanz - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, chage, shuzhuang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, siji huakai diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, zheyuan shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, changtan shange. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, freude, geselligkeit, freundschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treue, trennungsschmerz, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, fest - lied, weihnachten; kinder - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka, gånglåt | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, hanchuan diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, haoyang haozi. yangtian laodong] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, huagu diao. cheshui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bauern - lied, spinnen; moral - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, kilt -, fenster - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wanglang huakai diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, tod eines geliebten | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanzlied, gewu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, muniu shange. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, tiaotai haozi. taishi laodong zhong chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen; liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barndance, hornpipe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gesellschafts - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, hymn | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Saltus | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied; phrasen geaendert (2.7.89) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Auswandererlied, abschied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanter dro / an dro | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg, marlborough (1709) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott - lied auf verschiedene handwerker | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, baoanling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Driving | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel / march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied, heischelied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cantar de navid | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dui hua. chang siji huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dongbeifeng diao, wuge, yangge, dongbei dayangge. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yuminge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, polka, shottish | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wanr huadeng] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. chang shangeshou] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, pange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Harp tune | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sad | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, trinklied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. laodong yu aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Heimat -, wander -, abschieds - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, handwerks - burschen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
French canadian | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jagd-, liebeslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, kejia shange, pingban diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, tianshi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, huanghe haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiuhebao diao. chunyou yule] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, haocao luogu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagu diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schwell - lied, scherz und spott | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, erzhlend] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. pan qinren] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied beim anziehen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, hirten -, alm - lied; jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, abgewiesener liebhaber | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, lustige romanze, frage- antwort - lied, echo, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, xiuhebao diao. nann siqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, trink -, moral - lied, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kirmes -, guckkasten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, luegen - maerchen, aberglaube | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanz, spiel, pantomime | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanzlied, treue/untreue, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, laendler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tier - lied; tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Improvisation beim kaffeestampfen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied, kinderliedterno - erweitert] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. fangmianhua qingjing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. datian laodong shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, optimismus | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, tabak; jaeger - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trennungs-, abschiedsschmerz] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, jiujinshan diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zech -, schalks -, hochzeits - lied; staende -, bauern - lied, jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, niuniuge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, saladaling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, gege qima kanrenjia diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, raub, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gånglåt, gaanglaat | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied, karwoche] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, tier - maerchen, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, nachtwaechter; geistlich, choral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
New age jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Madrigal | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, madeng diao, wuge, zhuma. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kilt - lied, abgewiesener knabe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, blumentrommel, fengyang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, dashui shaozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, geselligkeits - lied, freundschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, zhuanggong diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, pashan diao. nann liqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, caicha] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jahreszeiten - lied, sommer, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao, sanbanggu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hua'r, shange. lianhuashanling; politischer text] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tune 2 | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
En dro / an dro | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebes - lust, staende - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slngpolska (visa) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, schalk -, schelmen - lied; vergewaltigung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, qingge, klage, arbeit] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fast waltz arranged by john layton 25/02/01 | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, standesunterschied, ehe, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, geistlich; spiel - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, enttaeuschung, schein - tod, selbstmord | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rchkehr, tod der braut] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, klage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, ballade, legende] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
"balkan" | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, liuduan chunjing diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verfhrung, vergewaltigung, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Children' song | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied, reigen - tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds-, trennungslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten -, kriegs - lied, geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, treue, rache, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, sige langong diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treue-untreue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rond d'argenton | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, liqu. youzi sixiang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, ganwuju] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, scherz - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Newfoundland singles | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, qingge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nuclear melody | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wuge, caicha. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, legende] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, werbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, hua'r] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied; historisch, siebenjaehriger krieg 1807 | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, kriegs - lied; religioes, gebet | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, spiel-, spottlied, brautlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, xingchuan haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brauchtumslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shuai xigua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinlendar | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, spiel, johannis - fest | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Preis - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kindesmord, strafe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shanqu. nann siqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, marien - ruf | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tuo shange. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, qingmaluozi diao. nann qing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, siju tuizi. mengjiangn diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Melancholisch, betrachtendes lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, vaterland, ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, abzaehl - reim | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourre/valse | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, abend, staendchen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes -, moral - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, raosanraoling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, sehnsucht, ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, salajin diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiuhebao diao. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied (1813 - 1815) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengge, mudan diao. nann liqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, slow jig-time march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. nongtian laodong] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Classical | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, siebenjaehriger krieg | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits -, ehestands - lied zeilenenden rhythm. vereinheitlicht | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, sozial - kritisch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, verlassene liebe, klage, leid | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, luoer diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Auswandererlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, daohualan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, danglanglang diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - ehestands - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, historisches kriegslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, trennung; jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
"pastorale"] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Betrug, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisch, erzhlendes lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Drehorgel -, erzaehl -, scherz - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, religioes, abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, schaefer - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, spottlied, trinklied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, bauern - lied, lob | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gavotte comme dan?s kef | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shanqu. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod, lenora - sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Berceuse | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, familienereignisse | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
G{å}ngl{å}t | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
32 bar jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fenstergang, standesunterschied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, dank -, lob - lied, choral; morgen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, cheshui haozi. nongtian cheshui shi chang. | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiuhebao diao. nann siqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, lustige romanze, hochzeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, seemanns - lied; trink - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Valse 5 temps | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Aire/slow | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Six-four | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, kinder -, scherz -, tanz - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, entfuehrung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur -, wander - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, yeyeyou] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, raeuber | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, zhuanqu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, molihua diao | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, tiange, hayangcaoge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, huanghe wohao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huachuan diao. chuanyun shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, shangu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott - lied auf die schwaben | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Legende: untreue, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, fest - lied, neujahr | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, vexier - lied, gesellschafts - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dongyangwugeng diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebe, heirat] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, jianjianhua diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bondpolska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
"reverdie", liebeslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, cheshuige. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, paoma diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, natur, pflanzen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegslied, klagelied, geschichtliches lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, mengjiangn diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow double jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, ehestzandslied, reliogiîs] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterlands -, heimat - lied, nationalistisch, sachsen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, spass - lied, neck - maerchen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches volks - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, huangmeixi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. da suanzao qingjing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, gushanling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, muniu shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Diao sheng, qingge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hoedown | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yinniusi diao. changhua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten-, kriegslied, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yuelang diao. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, shai huasheng haozi. shai huasheng shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, klage, untreue | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Czardas | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, daoshilang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied, unglueck, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hanterdro-andro | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Standesunterschied, gefangenschaft] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, sangubang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shuluo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, molihua diao. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hopak | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, heil - spruch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao. chang hua niao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, untreue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, dawo haozi. xiudi zaofang shi chang. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Che gu diao, arbeitslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, tageszeiten - lied, abend; staendchen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Untreue, liebe, dummheit] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao, cailianchuan. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, suche nach brutigam, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fuhrmannslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shiersi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschiedslied, soldatenlied, kriegslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, tageszeiten - lied, abend | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao, lianxiang. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, maoshan haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, familienereignis | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur -, jahreszeiten - lied, herbst | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschiedslied nach einem fest, hochzeitslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hambo (more or less) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
G\anglåt | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sl\angpolska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, caichage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Canario | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
6/8 march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz musette | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade gefangenschaft, flucht | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kunstmusik fr guqin | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegs - lied, national, abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jaglied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wiegenlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March / jig / polka | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, kejia shange, shange,zai)] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, jahreszeiten - lied, fruehling | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, chun diao, mengjiangn diao. fun shuzhuang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, yge. dange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe(isch) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dengge, tongqiange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chayang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebe trinken] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, fastnacht | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg, schlacht bei lowositz (1756) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, caicha. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mazurka ternary | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod, sage (nonnen - werber) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottische / barn dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Uplifting | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker -, gesellen - lied, wanderschaft, abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, moral - lied, krankheit, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shichao diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. chang nongshi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink - lied, patriotisch, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, geschwister - liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, abgewiesener liebhaber | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansingelied fr volks- und festtage, kinderlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vals (visa) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, politisches lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches scherz - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink - lied, sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Key of c | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeislied, cha ge arbeit bei der teepflcken] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Breakdown / reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Cancin | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg gegen napoleon (1814) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanzlied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, scherz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, brautkauf, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzhlendes lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, toten - klage, trauer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Berufslied, ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka / march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, liebes - lied, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March / jig / slide | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, werbung, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, aussicht auf einen mann] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansingelied fr volks- und festtage, | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow air (a mixolydian) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, dieban shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig, waltz, air | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, qiao shuzhuang, shidiao, mengjiangn diao. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, daochunlai diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yaoerge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air or march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hirten - lied, bauernlied, jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, spott -, anti - kriegs - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, songkou zhengban shange. nann liqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltz/air | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, bacaoling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jagdlied, liebeslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Joke,ha ha | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, fruehling | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, tod, soldaten - lied, napoleonischer krieg | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, changan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge, hunjanglong diao. qiongfu duibi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, damai haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, moral - lied, tod; choral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, hoffnung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, spottlied, jagd, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterlands -, heimat - lied, nationalistisch; sachsen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, betrogene liebe, untreue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldatenlied, klage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod, verlassenheit, genoveva - sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegslied, trinklied, wehmtig] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, wald; abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. wuge, huagu, hunan huagu. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied; liebe, eifersucht | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March, quickstep | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, tod, ehebruch] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, liebe, scherz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanz, ringelreihen, bruecken - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig (am) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied/heischelied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, allgemein] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze; 265 nach gehîr gendert. | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vaterlands - lied, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, messe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg (1814) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherzlied ber treue und untreue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ringlender, reinlender | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourrée à 3 temps | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. xushu laodong shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ungarescha | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erbauungs - lied, religioes; tageszeiten - lied, abend | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, xihuagu. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gnglt, sknklt | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yinniusi diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shangyunti] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, landsknechts - tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao; tanzform; hua gu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, lauf - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, ril | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erbauungs - lied, religioes, fest, neujahr | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, guanggunsiqi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reigen, tanz - spiel; letzte phrase korrigiert. | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, moral, zufriedenheit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, qong rendiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, nicht beantwortete liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, huagun diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, bauern - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, senglin haozi, guileng haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, gailiangdiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, verfuehrung, | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shuahaier, daoqing shishou] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, bundes - lied, rundgesang | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, religioes, wiegen -, schlaf - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeit, staende - lied, bergmannslied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, romanze, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gigue, jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Step | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
C?oc?ek | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, haocaoge. fun suku] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, floesserlied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, yangtian ge, geligesanduo. nongtian laodong shi chang. | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Beischlaf] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, zhuma] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, song | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Alman | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, liebeslied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, bang dong bang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, dui shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, tanzlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied, reigenlied, kinderliedterno - erweitert] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds-, soldatenlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, vertrauen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, sage, liebe, leid, tod, verrat | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chuangong haozi, pingshui diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, fengsuge, gaotangge. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, tiere | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barndance = 7-step | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, songkou zhengban shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dans vannetais | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nachtwchterlied, liebe, ehre, beischlaf, standesunterschied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, standesunterschied, hochzeit, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, ermeihua ling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, hochzeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott - lied auf bauern | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka / polca | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherzlied auf einen hausstand | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Beruf, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao, caicha. chanong shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lied bei der arbeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fensuge, banjiage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Berufslied, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur -, wander -, kinder - lied, wald | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, yangliujieling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, maoyuzishu diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dengdiao, gurche diqiang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow walk/jig/polka | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Maerchen - lied, luegen - maerchen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, haoyangge, yayiyou] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huadeng, songming huadeng. xinsuan youxi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, yangtiange. gedangdao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, raeuber - sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, haoyang haozi. qianghuoqiang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, silvester, neujahr | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
?sand jig? | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, leizhouge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, manganniu. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pile menu | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, brautlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, burschenschafts - lied, einweihung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska, drinking song | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air (~62 bpm) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, abschieds - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, moral; natur | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, heimweh | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wander -, heimat - lied, heimweh | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, wein] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mantou diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, landleben, berg | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Politisch, national, vaterlands - lied, hymne | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, romanze, abschieds - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. madeng diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, bayrischer erbfolgekrieg (1778) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe,barndance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xianshuige. chang huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yutian gantan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treble / triple hornpipe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, abschied, heimkehr, tod , trauer] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, schaefer - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kindstaufe-lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, natur; schwestern - liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow march, strathspey | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, guadifeng] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, nachahmungs - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dongbeigeng diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jullek, nursery song, polska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hirtenlied, brautwerbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, historisches lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
48 bar hornpipe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, babenberger sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge, longchuanqu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, eifersucht, tod; "purengesanck" | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches volks - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest, kirmes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, siji ge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebes - lust, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, sanhuasao jing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, dieduanqiao. "baishe zhuan" de gushi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, da ningxia diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, eifersucht, ehe, mord | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schiffer - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink - lied, national, chauvinistisch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, todes - ahnung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dieduanqiao, wuge, dengge. tuowujiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, wander - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi beim fischfang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fandango | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dongbing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze,tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, strassen - raeuber, schinderhannes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, trauer] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
"country dance" | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rowing song | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, gedongdai] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Banjiage, heiratslied, ww, vor der heirat. jiao diao (es gibt nur wenige | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, mudanhua diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, senglin haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied, klage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, tageszeiten, morgen, religioes, lob - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, labulengling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wiegen - lied, scherz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied; soldaten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, lahua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Drinking song, vals, waltz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengge. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Magd als kînigstochter, beischlaf mit dem bruder] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, wujuzi. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kunstmusik | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Religises lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Libe, jagd] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, standesunterschied, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied, freude, freundschaft, freimaurer - gesang | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, lustige romanze, braut - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sage, maerchen -, zauber - lied; kinder - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, freude | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker -, gesellen - lied, schneider; wanderschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Petrunino | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. yang can] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, gaertner - lied; romanze, tod; 264-5 muss ueberprueft werden! | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied, heischelied, kinderliedterno] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. miaoxie laodong qingjing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erge. shenghuo xiaochang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, kanxi diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, eifersucht, tod, geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shisanyue diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erentai, niangaomian] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, spiel-, spottlied; hochzeits-, brautlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, wallfahrt, religioes; geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur und welt, religion | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erbauungs - lied, religioes, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, babaicai diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied, scherz, tier - geschichte | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marien - lied, brauchtum, geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, ge shan diu. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, reigen, ostern, pfingsten | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao, huaguzi. jiaowang liyi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, liuhua liujie diao, xianhua diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Highland schottische | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hirten - lied, bauern - lied, kiltlied, jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Klagelied, bedauern] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, kejia shange. nongtian laodong shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jaeger - lied, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, tier - geschichte | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, maerchen, zaubermaerchen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze; tanz, hochzeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, verfhrung, tod, jagd] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiuhebao diao, duihua. changhua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Chant marin | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten -, scherz - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slåttestev | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, hildebrand - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Monferina | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, spiel; belehrung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, guoshanbang diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska (bondpolska) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied; studenten -, abschieds - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Klezmer reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeitslied, dahang haozi, fr feststampfen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, jahreszeit, fruehling | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, spott | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, trink -, zech - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, moral, vergaenglichkeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Qingge | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, indiskretion, verweigerter beischlaf; spinnstuben - lied () | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, warten auf einen freier] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. muma shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trennung, treue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, wander - lied, sommer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, da shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rhenlnder | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, tod, begraebnis - gesang, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, anti - pfaeffisch, spott, parodie (latein) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, huarkai] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Creepy jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits- , brauchtums - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagu, dengdiao. ma caizhupo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, yangong haozi, wanzige. dajing laodong zhong chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, zigeuner | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel / barn dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, pashan diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March (4/4) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jodel - lied, heimat - lied, liebes - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink - lied, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, kirmes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, hochzeit] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, dank -, lob - lied; morgen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, beierge. beiyuntuzhong chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, ningniuzi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Austrian folk dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marchl | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erge, yilan diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, moral - lied, auferstehung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lament/slow air | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polska - ore | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebeslied, tanzlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied, tanzlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, abschieds - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, juengling zieht in den krieg; liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, strathspey (and waltz) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, tiere | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. caimi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschied, trennung, krieg] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanzlied, yan ge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jaeger - lied (maedchen will als knabe geboren sein, um jaeger werden | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink - lied, jahreswende | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, jugendlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Weinlied, trinklied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wunsch - lied, luegen - maerchen, schlaraffenland | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, dayingtao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, choral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Circus jig | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegs - lied, national; liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bridal march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker - lied, scherenschleifer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, abzaehl - reim, plumpsack - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shiyuehuaming] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shihen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, jaeger - lied; phrasen geaendert (2.7.89) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, nachahmung des posthorn - signals | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Khodisld: kandel's orchestra, may 1921z: john chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu> | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reinlender, scottish, pas de quatre | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treueversprechen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, verwundete dame | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, dirne | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker - lied, handwerks - burschen, wanderschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Karnevalslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Deng diao; teepfluecken] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, untreue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, scherz, schwank, betrogener ehemann, | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, napoleon | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Weihnachts - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March / barndance / schottische | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. melodiegeruest aehnlich wie meng jiangn aber keine | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, da huangyang diao, wuge, yangge. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, reiter - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shandong xiaoqu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe; reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erge. chang lishi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tageszeiten - lied, abend; kanon | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, bettel - moench | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange. chang feiniao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verlorene ehre] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, jahreslauf, belehrung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, fudi shange. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao. fun shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wuge, huagu, hunan huagu. chang richang shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tod, melancholisch] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
32 bar reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, kriegslied, geschichtliches lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yuejie ge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dans plin | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bourrée à 3 temps % title | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeitslied, brautlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Siciliano | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, schaukel -, kniereiter -, spiel - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mord, raub, strafe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, blumen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fang mianhua. richang shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zech -, schalks - lied, liebes - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dazengge. nann qing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. yuanxiao guandeng] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, spott, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tangkeng shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, freude, freundschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brautlied, brutigam, jugend] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pas de sept | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, brauchtum | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Werbung, treue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, trennung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ermahnung an die vergnglichkeit der jugend und schînheit] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spottlied, bei thill unter liebeslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. caimi duichang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, national; liebes - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, religioes; morgen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, trink - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barndance (polka) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, erzaehlung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, dachuge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, natur, andacht | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebesleid, vergebliche werbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, tage - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge -, brauchtums - lied, kirchen - fest | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, jaeger - lied; liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, national, patriotisch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, liangxianghao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, standesunterschied, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, schleifer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish, reinl=e4nder | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jaglied, brautwerbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rigadon | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zeitungs - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Textgebundene musik | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rond de st. vincent | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Air, hornpipe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, sehnsucht, abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur - lied, land - leben | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, lustige romanze, kirchweih - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, landsturm, spott | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, ernst - sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott - lied auf bauern. z. 263 dem metrum angepasst! | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dengge, ludiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi zum abbau von steinen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treue, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, toten - klage, belehrung, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Valse cossaise | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottis / brnnvinspolska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, abschied, trennung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, fangniu ge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, sektenlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, beischlaf] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, treueversprechen, hochzeit] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vokalform in der kunstmusik | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dengdiao, fangxiandiao jiuliandeng] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze, koenigskinder, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treue, liebeskummer, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Saltarello | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lullaby / air | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, jinsha shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, handwerker - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tage - lied, kiltlied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tongbai shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tage - lied, waechter - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, trink -, kirmes - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, brautwerbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Foxtrot | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wuge, yangge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Road to barga | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebesklage, treue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengbailiu diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, magie] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, mama hutu diao. geming lishi minge]] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, zaiyangge huage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, manganniu. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, cheshui haozi, langtou diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Habgier, mord, vergeltung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stev | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, caicha. siji huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. xushu lishi shijian] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, blumentrommel, hua gu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied, weihnachtslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shiyuehua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Song dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Keys of d and a | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, ritter | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied. liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker - lied, wanderschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, chuan haozi, laba diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, galopp - walzer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, spiellied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker - lied, abschieds - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod, geistlich, sage (hl. ursula) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, caicha, zhicha diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shuogu tanjin] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, gewu, gaoqiao diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, xiangjiangliang diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied, curiosa geistlicher lieder des mittelalters | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes . lied, klage, trost | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, haocao luogu, jiaoge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid, klage. taktart 2/4 ergaenzt | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fengsuge, banjiage. guniang chujia qian chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, lied , religioeses lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schlaf -, wiegen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jahreszeiten - lied, fruehling, erotik | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erge, tongyao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, honghualing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
"songs of the harpers", weinlied, erzhlend] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, leid, klage, zank | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes -, troubadour -, kriegs - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. gan miaohui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiuhebao diao. chang lishi chuanshuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yge, eiei diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Guajiras | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansinge- , dreikoenigs - lied, brauchtum | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. duige] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig / country dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten -, burschenschafts -, wander - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, menschliche grausamkeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, jaeger - lied, nationalistische selbstdefinition | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, jahreszeiten - lied, fruehling, tier | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, attentat, spott | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, maria, geistlich, sage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, tod, auferstehung, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. chang huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fun qing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jgerlied, beischlaf] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, tiange, haocao haozi, pingqiang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig / slide | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shanqu. nann liqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Menuet, minuet | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, fastnacht | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Caprice | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ojmn polska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Standesunterschied, suizid] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Masurkazeitmass | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker - lied, schneider; wanderschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe-like | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. duichang. chang huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, kriegs -, erzaehlendes volks - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, jgerei] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Foliada | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, verfhrung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge songxing diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, paxiangshan shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. ma caizhu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker -, handwerksburschen -, wander - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, menyuanling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. nongtian laodong chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg, breslau (1760) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, tanz, spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bitte um treue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds -, wander -, handwerksburschen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, lianjia haozi. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, natur, tier | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiu luoqun diao, jiandianhua diao. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottische (which did sometimes get referred to as a 'polka' or 'barndance') | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, jianjianhua diao. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Natur und welt, brauchtums - lied, fastnahct | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, cai mianhua. biao siqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hmmmm | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, lyrik | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, pashan diao. nann siqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg (1706) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mixer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, mutong shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, dahangge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, wander - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. changgong fangyang shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, heshadiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, jigong haozi, jaodung xiuxi, xiqing, hunyan shang chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xintianyou. nann siqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fenstergang, untreue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, qiaolang diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Studenten - lied, erotik | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiaolang diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hornpipe/set dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sagen - lied, romanze; erzaehlendes volks - lied, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Werbung, liebe, standesunterschied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sage, maerchen -, zauber - lied, kinder - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, cheshui haozi, xiao meimei. nongtian cheshui shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Klezmer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Avant deux de travers | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Waltzo | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, spottlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, loblied auf kaffee | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bright swing | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, freude, freundschaft, treue | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dansevise, hambo | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, klage, anti - kriegs - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle renaissance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi. dahang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Processional | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, baduanjing. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Slow/bold | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, ballade, tannhaeuser | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, hanchuan. miaoxie wudao yanyuan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, klage, schmerz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trennung, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wuge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chuangong haozi. shenshui xingchuan shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe. fenstergang, geklatsche der mitbrger] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, hopps - walzer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, guzi yangge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xintianyou. ma dizhu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, geburtstag | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, betrug, entfuehrung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, trauer, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker - lied, abschieds - lied, wanderschaft | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Song strathspey (don't take this version too seriously) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, sehnsucht, heimat, heimweh, trauer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, gaoqiang shange. datian laodong shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Bridal march, wedding march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Branle/rigodon | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schuster -, handwerker - lied, liebeslied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, liebes - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, tiaodan haozi. tiaoyan shenghuo] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, liebe, suche nach brutigam] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, entfuehrung, mord | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. changgong ma caizhu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shibuqian diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg (1815) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel, air | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yangliuqing diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reel (two-step) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, moral - lied, gesellschafts - kritisch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied; liebe, klage; jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, qiutiange, chuanshizi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verfhrung, werbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mariachi | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dirge | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, jingjinghualing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, xiudenglong] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Corrente | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, daoqing. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, bianguan diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, dui hua. siji huahui] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
2/4 | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds -, wander -, trink - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. xixiangji de gushi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gaillarde, galiiard | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yaochuange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, hirten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Habgier ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - , wiegen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barndance / 7-step | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, misstrauen gegen frauen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott -, scherz - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengge. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, patriotisch, neujahr | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, dreissigjaehriger krieg | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeskummer, tod] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten -, kriegs - lied, spott | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey or pipe reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stande - lied, bauern, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende - lied, hirten -, schaefer - lied, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, kuaiban shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz- und spott - lied, jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, kinderlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, jiuling, xiuhebao diao. yinjiu shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, yunhe haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yayou diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, ammen - reim; wiegen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Politisches lied, allegorie] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Pile? de que?vert | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, sehnsucht, trauer (um die eltern) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xiashuisheng. nann siqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rond de loudeac | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, verbotene liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengge, changge. biaoda aiqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reigen, gesellschafts - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, seemanns - lied, bei der arbeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Advent song | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, hanchuan diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches, legendenlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, dengdiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Berufslied, hochzeitslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, mengjiangn diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Larid 8 temps | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Clan march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Fenstergang - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, tod, trauer] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, sehnsucht, liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Morris dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hua deng diao, preislied auf 10 schwestern; hnlich wie shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dadulu diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dui hua; wettkampf; dui chang; wechselgesang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg, prager schlacht (1757) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, hanchuan. zanmei guniang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, da yanjing ling. nann siqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Listed as a waltz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, moral, belehrung, vergaenglichkeit | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, fang fengzheng. xin mingge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschied, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, chage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Religises lied, klagelied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, daliuwang diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, fenstergang, beischlaf] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, huanghe wohao, erban hao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. zhai youcha qingjing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Triple-time | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi zum wagenziehen] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, youya diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spa-, scherzlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trennung, suizid] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, chuan haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Legende] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Werbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, siebenjaehriger krieg (1756) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, e?hnlich wie xiaodiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. guniang yaopeisong] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeits- , rocken - lied, brauchtum | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, liebes -, ehestands - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, huaihong diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Duichang (wechselgesang, antiphonie)] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, chage, shuang qianshou] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, dengdiao, qiacaitaidiao huatiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. shenghuo zheli] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, meikuang haozi, zhaohuan hao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Lyrisches lied, romanze, trennung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, liebe, wiedervereinigung der liebenden | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Matelotte | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, sipingqiang, dahang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spott-, zechlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, seemanns - lied, tanz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hochzeitslied, trinklied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao; hausarbeit, salz reinigen; abschiedslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig((hf0b20m15d0u0)) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. nongtian laodong shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Sand dance! | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, tanzlied, walzer] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, preussisches kriegs - lied (1813) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shuai xigua, zhaimianhua diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Untreue, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, standesunterschied, schwangerschaft, moral, hinrichtung, | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, konflikt/ mutter - tochter] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vergebliche brautwerbung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink-, scherzlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. yule wanshua] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
, rtsel] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Reilnder | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits - lied, liebe, klage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes -, kilt - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, erhongge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches, kriegslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, bazhuxi diao. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, zaehl - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Quickstep march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, tod (prinz ludwig von preussen) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Hopsa, drinking song | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, trink -, jugend -, vereins - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Schottische / rant | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Strathspey - slow | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. saige] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, lanqiao jishui diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, lebens - philosophie, spott | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geselligkeits -, tageszeiten - lied, abend; abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegs- und soldatenlied, historisch] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, xintianyou. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, kriegs - lied (preussen 1813 - 1815) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge, pingdiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Historisches lied, krieg v. franzosen und bayern gegen preussen 1806 | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches lied, jgerlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, ballade, geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten - lied, klage, heimweh, politisch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, jiandianhua diao. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, lianhuan shange. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz -, handwerker - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldatenlied, liebeslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliches, religises lied, hochzeitslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebesleid] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, wander - lied, moral | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, abschiedslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. qiongren ku] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
20-bar jig for own dance | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, belehrung, optimismus | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Traum, beischlaf] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlung, lustige romanze, gesellen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, natur, jahreszeiten, fruehling | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, naiyanggao dege] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trink -, zech - lied, geistlich | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vals, skillingsvise (broadside ballad) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Religioeses erzaehl - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, yangge maiyengtao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, kejia shange, shangezai] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
"irish street ballad", erzhlendes, historisches lied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gefangenschaft, berfreiung, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied; trink - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
((hf0b25m15d0u0)) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Snap! | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodao, shuochang, yonghujiege] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rhythm | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, mengjiangn diao, shuzhuangtai. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Arbeit, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
/trinklied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, haocao shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, staendchen, klage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Muineira | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, ritter -, helden - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Moral - lied, lebenslauf | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistlich, gebet | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz - lied, tabak; handwerksburschen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Rheinlnder | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebeslied, brautlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. xushi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, tiaodan haozi. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March / polka | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi. chuanfu laodong] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinderlied, er ge, klage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagu, dengdiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Mars | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder -, jahreszeiten - lied, winter, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tanz - lied, soldaten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vals frn finland | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, wander -, marsch - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Dan?s ognon | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ringlender (reinlender) | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldatenlied, trennung, treue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tageszeiten - lied, abend, sommer | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. "lanqiao hui" de gushi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Abschieds - lied, liebe; matrosen - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shidiao, xiuyunjian diao, jiandianhua diao xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, qiutiange, geduanduan] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Volta | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shottish, ringlender | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Gavotenn | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebes - lust, fruehling | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Erzaehlendes volks - lied, scherz, schwank, studenten - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegs -, sieges - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Barndance / german | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Geistliche, religise lieder, spîttisch] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jagen, beischlaf] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Clog / hornpipe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, shuiguaxibaotou] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, denggezi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, geyoumai] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Verrat, mord] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig/pipe march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ansingelied fr volks- und festtage, kinderlied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig/air | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ja?rvso?polska / skrea från nor | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Drôlette | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Richmond ball 1790 | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied; jodler | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, freude, hoffnung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Treue, ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, jagdlied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao. nann liqing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jahreszeiten - lied, fruehling; krieg | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, tauer, toten - klage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chuangong haozi, shangtan diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, moral, belehrung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, liebes - lust, national | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Played as a reel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, wujuban] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Marsj, march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Brautlied, hochzeitslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. geming lishi minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Playful, yet upright | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Two time bourree | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. laodong] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, huar, nanxiangling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jugend - lied, lob - lied, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten - lied, patriotisch | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Tyrolienne, waltz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Zech -, schalks - lied, spott - lied, anti - klerikal | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Racenica | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, natur, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Ballade, wallfahrt, religioes | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. fun shenghuo ] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Vals (brudevals) bridal waltz | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Trost - lied, abschied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, kudiao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kinder - lied, reiter - spiel | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebes - lied, versoehnung | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker -, gesellen - lied, maurer, streik | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, paohanchuan. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Wuge, huagu, xiaodiao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
March/hornpipe/thing | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Kriegs-, soldatenlied, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Stimmungs - lied, andacht | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shangshanling] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, mengjiangn diao, guaziren diao. xin minge] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yangqueti, wuge, huagu] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, yge. buyu laodong shi chang] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao. caimian qingjing] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jgerlied, liebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Werbung um treue] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nåsfo?ra-polska | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Beischlaf, standesunterschied, verleumdung] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Handwerker - lied, bei der arbeit (flachsbrechen) ; brechhaus - lied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Soldaten -, kriegs - lied, niederlage | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nachtwaechter - lied, staendchen | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao, sijimang diao] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, shanqu. changgong suku] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Klage] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Xiaodiao; eigentlich war es eine ballade; kinderlied | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Nchstenliebe] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Haozi, chuanfu haozi] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, handwerker - lied, schreiner | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange, luogang shange] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Staende -, soldaten -, kriegs - lied, tod | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Spîttisches abschiedslied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Polka/march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Jig:pipe march | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Folkedanse | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Scherz-, spiellied] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Key of a | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Romanze, enttaeuschte liebe | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Shange. fun ku] | 1 tunes or 0 % | browse all tunes |
Liebe, untreue, beischlaf, soldaten] | 1 tunes or 0 % |