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  • D : 6

Time signature

Has accompaniment chords

Show only top 15 features

  • Nr 2

    Also known as Nr 1, Andrastmmor (komp), Nr 2 \, Nr 1 \, Tv slngpolskor efter John-Erik Mattson, Rtan.

    Nr 2
  • Not the Beehive

    Also known as "The Beehive" (Rebecca Knorr, Edinburgh), A Bangor Reel (Davy Muir), The High Reel, The Other High Reel, The Galway High Reel.

    Not the Beehive
  • Nr 2

    Also known as Nr 1, Andrastmmor (komp), Nr 2 \, Nr 1 \, Tv slngpolskor efter John-Erik Mattson, Rtan.

    Nr 2
  • Nr 2

    Also known as Nr 1, Andrastmmor (komp), Nr 2 \, Nr 1 \, Tv slngpolskor efter John-Erik Mattson, Rtan.

    Nr 2
  • Ensemble - All

    Also known as Fiddler - Barbara, Bassist - Robert, Pianist - Terry, Drummer - Howard, Piper - Matt.

    Ensemble - All
  • Connie O'Connell's Jig

    Also known as Gallagher's Jig, Burke's Jig, The Shannonaires, Pete Kelly's Jig, Lad O'Beirne's Jig.

    Connie O'Connell's Jig